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The 5 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

Whether you recently got a not-so-great haircut, or your strands seem to hit a certain length and then refuse to grow any longer, waiting for hair to grow is like watching paint dry. But long, luscious hair is in reach with the help of the right vitamins. "Nutrients like biotin, zinc, and B complex enhance your hair health," says Melissa Piliang, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. The best part? These vitamins for hair growth can all be found in common foods you likely already have in the kitchen. If not, stock—and eat—up.

Vitamin A
A true all-around winner, vitamin A is great for promoting a healthy, moisturized scalp, preventing hair from drying out, keeping dandruff at bay, and regulating retinoic acid (too much of which can lead to hair loss) in the hair follicles. Derived from two main sources—the retinoids, which are found in kidney beans, liver, and eggs—and carotenoids, found in fruits and vegetables like spinach, sweet carrots, and mangoes, vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that we can't do without. "Basically, every cell of the body needs vitamin A to function," says dermatologist Cybele Fishman, MD. "It also helps protect and produce the oils that sustain your scalp, and being low on vitamin A can even leave you with itchy, irksome dandruff." It is possible, however, to take in too much vitamin A and hinder hair growth. To prevent this, minimize your intake of fortified foods, such as cereals, energy bars, and margarine, recommends Greg Hottinger, RD, nutritionist and author of The Best Natural Foods on the Market Today. If you're taking it as a supplement, don't exceed 700mg daily.

Vitamin C
While we've heard countless times that vitamin C is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, it can also do wonders for hair growth. It helps build collagen, which stimulates the follicle to lengthen, and helps break down iron, an essential component of long and strong hair. "The major reason we need it is that it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body," says Paul Thomas, RD, a scientific consultant to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. By facilitating the breakdown of iron, vitamin C ensures that the body gets enough oxygen to each cell that works at maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. Reach for citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli, and peppers, all of which contain high concentrations of C.

Vitamin D
We all know the "sunshine vitamin" gives us a much-needed energy boost, but vitamin D may also stimulate the hair follicle and activates cells within the hair shaft (translation: grow, baby, grow!). It also helps control your body's mineral balance, specifically zinc levels, and if it goes off-kilter, symptoms like a flaky scalp and thinning, lackluster hair may start to appear. Salmon, grains, and mushrooms are great sources of vitamin D, as is natural sunlight—so what better excuse is there to take that afternoon coffee break or book that beach vacay?

Vitamin E
Stimulating the expansion of the capillaries and promoting a strong blood supply is what vitamin E does best. This means that it helps foster a healthy scalp, which lays the foundation for long, supple hair. Many haircare products contain some form of the vitamin to promote shininess and conditioning—that luxurious feeling you get when running your fingers through smooth, soft locks. But be sure to regulate your intake, as vitamin E is a natural blood thinner, and overdosing could cause bleeding problems, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center. Not sure where you're getting it? It's most commonly found in almonds, kiwi, papaya, sunflower seeds, kale, and spinach. The NIH recommends that the average adult take no more than 15mg of vitamin E per day to keep levels in check.

Vitamin H
Often known by its more common name, biotin, this vitamin is included in the B-complex group with other vitamins like niacin and cobalamin. (Vitamin H is also called vitamin B7 and coenzyme R.) Since research has linked biotin deficiency to alopecia, or hair loss, it's considered an important vitamin to help strengthen hair and nails—and it's found in tons of cosmetic products. It's also found in common foods like avocados, eggs, nuts, and legumes, all of which help give your hair a healthy shine (bonus!). Though biotin deficiency is extremely rare, you can consult with your doctor about biotin supplements if you're experiencing hair loss. Just don't exceed 2.5mg per day, says dermatologist Richard Scher, MD.

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